COVID-19, Positive-Pressure Respiration, Teaching, Simulation TrainingAbstract
To report the experience of conducting professional training based on realistic simulation for utilization of the Elmo helmet in the clinical management of COVID-19 patients. A report of the experience that comprised the following stages: in the first stage, the presentation of cognitive skills was performed. During the second stage, psychomotor skills were demonstrated in simulation practice stations for handling the Elmo system. In the third stage, each participant had the opportunity to individually practice the handling of the Elmo. In the fourth stage, the simulated practice took place in the station with the clinical scenario built by the facilitators and the debriefing. The training has already benefited more than a thousand health professionals, including physicians, nurses, and physiotherapists from Ceará and other Brazilian states. The innovation using simulation-based teaching for healthcare professionals is of great value for developing the skills required for the clinical handling of the Elmo helmet.
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Accepted 2021-09-14
Published 2021-12-07