


Diabetes Mellitus, Diabetic neuropathies, Diabetic foot


To develop a tool to assess the diabetic foot in Primary Health Care in a health unit in the east of Maranhão. This is a methodological study, carried out in the Family Health Strategy (ESF), developed in three stages: 1) Construction based on the literature review; 2) Application of the instrument for the pre-test with the target audience; 3) Application of the content by post-test professionals. In the pre-test phase, 53 patients were identified, the first version of the instrument consisted of 8 items, at the end of the pre-test, the identification items, assessment of risk factors, risk stratification and self-care capacity, the last stage of construction and validation of this instrument was the application by the higher education professionals of the ESF Pirajá. The use of a technology in health services contributes to the adequacy and improvement of the assistance provided.


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How to Cite

Aguiar da Silva B, Mourão Pereira B. INSTRUMENT FOR DIABETIC FOOT ASSESSMENT: CONSTRUCTION AND VALIDATION. Cadernos ESP [Internet]. 2022 Dec. 30 [cited 2024 Dec. 26];16(4):27-33. Available from:
Received 2022-03-10
Accepted 2022-06-06
Published 2022-12-30