Editorial Flow

Submission Conditions

The contribution is original and unprecedented. The content of two articles submitted for publication must not have been previously published or submitted simultaneously to any other journal;

The submission file is in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF format (as long as it does not exceed 2MB);

The references used are in accordance with Vancouver rules, following international standards;

Here are the instructions to ensure Blind Peer Review (Send files with and without identification);

If applicable, they obtained informed consent and authorization to publish images or any other information that identifies the study participants (Research Ethics Committee Opinion);

The authors must have participated in the elaboration of the articles, so that they can assume public responsibility for their content. To qualify as an author, he must have participated in the conception, project, analysis or interpretation of two pieces of data, or have written an article or have participated in the critical review and approval of the version to be published;

Plagiarism detection implies immediate exclusion from the evaluation system;

Authors read and agree with the copyright statement.

Understand the Editorial Flow

When making the submission, the author agrees with ALL the conditions, but to proceed with the Editorial Analysis, the submission will be evaluated by the Editorial Support [average of 15 days], the submission must consist of the following documents:

  • Identified file in .docs or similar format;
  • Unidentified file in .docs or similar format;
  • Declaration of Authorship, duly signed by all authors, in .pdf format;
  • Opinion of the Ethics and Research Committee, if applicable, in .pdf format;
  • Others [Photos, attachments, appendices, etc];

After document verification, the manuscript is sent to the Scientific Editor [average of 1 month], where it will be evaluated as to its scientificity and adequacy to the lines of the journal. The manuscript will undergo verification with anti-plagiarism software, if approved for evaluation, an Executive Editor will be selected to monitor the peer review process [average of 3 months, depending on the availability of ad hoc reviewers].

After making the necessary corrections required by the reviewers and monitored by the editors, the manuscript goes to the publication process, where it undergoes layout and adaptation to international publication regulations. [average of 2 months]

[Publication process takes an average of 5 months]

Review Process

This journal uses a double-blind review in its evaluation process, that is, the evaluators do not know the identity of each other or of the authors they are evaluating, built in 2020 and is available on the journal's page.

This process favors the validation of the scientific process, seeking to make the text richer, easier to understand and suggestive of applications in their areas of activity. This process intends to solidify the figure of the author and support him in his scientific writing.