
  • André Lucas Valois Miranda Universidade Federal do Amazonas
  • Cláudia Andréa Corrêa Garcia Simões Universidade Federal do Amazonas



Biossegurança, Covid-19, Odontologia


Biosafety protocols in Dentistry are constantly being modified and improved, as research is carried out. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, questions arose about the continuity of dental practice. The main objective of this literature review is to describe different Biosafety protocols in Dentistry adopted during the COVID-19 pandemic. The bibliographic search was performed in the PubMed and Google Scholar databases, using the terms: dental practice AND (biosafety OR COVID-19); COVID-19 vaccine AND dentistry; masks AND COVID-19 AND dentistry; personal protective equipment AND COVID-19 AND dentistry; mouthwash AND COVID-19 AND dentistry; disinfection materials AND COVID-19 AND dentistry. The results showed that many changes in Biosafety protocols would be necessary and that there is agreement among the authors about them. The careful follow-up of the protocols would be the best way for the dentist to contribute to the control of the COVID-19 pandemic.


Não há dados estatísticos.


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Como Citar

Valois Miranda AL, Corrêa Garcia Simões CA. BIOSSEGURANÇA EM ODONTOLOGIA EM TEMPOS DE COVID-19: REVISÃO. Cadernos ESP [Internet]. 13º de junho de 2022 [citado 23º de fevereiro de 2025];16(2):90-8. Disponível em:
Received 2021-11-11
Accepted 2022-02-21
Published 2022-06-13

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