


Intensive Care Units, COVID-19, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, SUS


This study aims to analyze the epidemiological characteristics, laboratory tests, aspects of mechanical ventilation and mortality of patients admitted with SARS due to COVID-19 in an Intensive Care Unit specialized in respiratory patients in a public hospital in Ceará from January to July 2021, comparing with data available in the literature. This is a descriptive, observational, retrospective study based on epidemiological, laboratory and clinical data collected from the medical records and mechanical ventilation records of patients admitted to the Respiratory ICU during the period from January to July 2021. We evaluated 98 patients who were admitted to the Respiratory Intensive Care Unit from January 2021 to July 2021, aged over 18 years. The median age was 55.5 years. The median of the SAPS-3 was 62.5 points, estimating a mortality rate of 55.4% in South America. The length of stay was 12 days. Invasive mechanical ventilation was required in 68 patients with a median time of use of 15 days. A mean static compliance of 29.5ml/cm H2O was obtained, a median distending pressure of 14 cm H2O and a mean inspiratory resistance of 13.7 cm H2O/Lps. Hospital mortality of hospitalized patients was 44.9% and of those submitted to mechanical ventilation was 60.3%. Median D-dimer was 1.29μg/L, leukocytes 10650/μL and lymphocytes 824/μL. A correlation was found between D-dimer and higher leukocytes in patients who died. The hospital mortality found was 44.9% and of patients undergoing mechanical ventilation with ARDS it was 60.3%.


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Author Biographies

Eanes Delgado Barros Pereira, Universidade Federal do Ceará. Fortaleza, CE – Brasil.

Professora Titular da Universidade Federal do Ceará 

Jefferson Renato Bezerra, Hospital Dr. Carlos Alberto Studart. Fortaleza, CE - Brasil.






Yara Pessoa Soares, Hospital Dr. Carlos Alberto Studart. Fortaleza, CE - Brasil.

Fisioterapeuta da UTI Respiratória  do Hospital Dr. Carlos Alberto Studart

José Eneas Filgueira Neto, Hospital Dr. Carlos Alberto Studart. Fortaleza, CE - Brasil.

Coordenador Médico da da UTI Respiratória  do Hospital Dr. Carlos Alberto Studart

Thaisa Vieira Miranda, Hospital Dr. Carlos Alberto Studart

Fisioterapeuta da UTI Respiratória  do Hospital Dr. Carlos Alberto Studart 

Waslen de Carvalho Rocha, Hospital Dr. Carlos Alberto Studart. Fortaleza, CE - Brasil.

Médico Plantonista da UTI Respiratória  do Hospital Dr. Carlos Alberto Studart  


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How to Cite

Feijó de Araújo Ferreira R, Delgado Barros Pereira E, Renato Bezerra J, Pessoa Soares Y, Filgueira Neto JE, Vieira Miranda T, de Carvalho Rocha W. ANALYSIS OF THE PROFILE OF PATIENTS IN THE SECOND WAVE OF COVID-19 IN A RESPIRATORY INTENSIVE CARE UNIT. Cadernos ESP [Internet]. 2023 Aug. 9 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];17(1):e1410. Available from:
Received 2022-11-02
Accepted 2023-05-19
Published 2023-08-09