



Information dissemination, Health Evaluation, Diffusion of innovations


Describe the experience in the process of evaluating the effectiveness of the scientific knowledge production workshop in training the teams awarded in the 2nd Innovative Municipal Competition. Experience report on evaluating the reaction in knowledge production workshops carried out by the research team at the School of Public Health of Ceará from May to August 2023, together with the teams awarded in the 2nd edition of the Innovative Municipal Competition at Oficinas. There were 16 meetings and only 5 teams from the ten practices maintained regular participation in the workshops. Each team developed an article and responded to the evaluation form. Positive relationships were observed between reactions and impact of the workshops, with a rapprochement of ideas, terms, concepts related to the theme and scientific research. The experience was challenging, however, it contributed positively to the planning of actions, so that they can expand their potential for production and dissemination of practices through articles.


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How to Cite

Martins MIS, Santos ML dos, Abreu LDP de, Castro Júnior AR de, Carvalho JA de, Gomes TF. EVALUATION OF REACTIONS IN THE SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE PRODUCTION WORKSHOP. Cadernos ESP [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 26 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];17(1):e1793. Available from: https://cadernos.esp.ce.gov.br/index.php/cadernos/article/view/1793

Conference Proceedings Volume


Experience Report, Update And/Or Technological Innovation


Received 2023-10-26
Accepted 2023-11-07
Published 2023-12-26

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