

Thematic Axes

  • Education
  • Public/Collective Health
  • Technology and Innovation

Manuscript Categories

  1. Original Articles
    Studies that provide new insights into Public/Collective Health and its interfaces. This category includes randomized clinical trials, case-control studies, cohort studies, cross-sectional, ecological, experimental or quasi-experimental studies, prevalence, incidence, case reports, program and policy evaluations, among others. Limit of 12 pages, with a maximum of 30 references and 7 authors. Structure: Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion/Final Considerations, and References.

  2. Review Article
    Uses systematic methods to critically review relevant research, including systematic reviews (with or without meta-analysis), integrative reviews, and scoping reviews. Review protocols must be registered in Prospero or a freely accessible website and follow the appropriate EQUATOR Network guides. Limit of 18 pages, up to 50 references and 6 authors. Structure: Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion/Final Considerations, and References.

  3. Reflection Article
    In-depth theoretical approach on a specific concept or theme in Public/Collective Health or related areas. Limit of 8 pages, up to 10 references, and 4 authors. Structure: Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion/Final Considerations, and References.

  4. Experience Report, Update, and/or Technological Innovation
    Description of health practices and/or technological innovation, with analysis of intervention strategies and effectiveness. Limit of 8 pages, up to 10 references, and 5 authors. Structure: Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion/Final Considerations, and References.

  5. Clinical Images
    Presentation of clinical image(s) with case description and image analysis. Abstract of up to 300 words in three languages, with up to five high-resolution images (300 dpi). Limit of 4 authors and 3 references.

  6. Photographs
    Analysis of photograph(s) illustrating practical situations in public/collective health and/or technological innovation. Abstract of up to 300 words in three languages, with up to five high-resolution images (300 dpi). Limit of 4 authors and 3 references.

  7. Brief Communications
    Short articles for relevant preliminary research results. Limit of 3 pages, up to 10 references, and one author. Structure: Abstract (up to 100 words), Introduction, Results and Discussion, Final Considerations, and References.

  8. Letter to the Editor
    Up to one page on specific topics.

  9. Author's Response
    Limit of 250 words to respond to editorial comments. The journal publishes spontaneous contributions in line with its editorial policy and specialist articles by invitation.

Base Template

  • Page Format: A4 paper, 2.5 cm margins, 1.5 line spacing, Times New Roman font, size 12.

  • Word Limit: The maximum number of words, including figures and references, varies according to the type of manuscript (see Manuscript Type section).

  • Manuscript Submission: Manuscripts must be submitted online via the Cadernos ESP Platform (link), after authors register on the platform. There are no fees for submission or evaluation of manuscripts in the Cadernos ESP journal.

  • Thematic Axis: At the time of submission, authors should indicate a thematic axis that aligns with the manuscript, including: Education, Public Health, Technologies, and Innovation.


  • Format: Bold, size 16, centered alignment; up to 60 characters (excluding spaces). The title should be concise and informative. Include versions in English and Spanish in size 12, centered and italicized.


  • Format: Bold, size 14, left alignment (e.g., ABSTRACT, INTRODUCTION, METHODS...).

Author(s) Name(s)

  • All authors must provide their institutional affiliation (in descending order: University, College, and Department), city, state, country, email, Lattes link, and OrcID. The corresponding author must also provide their complete address (street, city, postal code, state, country).


  • Languages: The abstract should be written in Portuguese, English, and Spanish. It should reflect the fundamental aspects of the work, containing up to 150 words in each language, including: research objective, methodology, main results, and conclusions. The abstracts in English and Spanish are the responsibility of the authors.


  • Quantity: A minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5 keywords, in the language of the text, in English and Spanish, presented after the abstract. Authors should consult DeCS (Descriptors in Health Sciences) at the link: DeCS, separated by semicolons.


  • Definition: Includes images (figures, photos), graphs, tables, and charts.
Images (Figures and Photos)
  • Must be submitted in high resolution (300 dpi), in JPG or TIF formats, with a minimum width of 8 cm, in files separate from the text.

  • Images should contain a maximum of five, in high resolution (300 dpi), in JPG or PNG formats, with a minimum width of 8 cm, also in files separate from the text.

  • For each image, please provide the title above. Source: indicate authorship and/or third-party data.

Graphs, Tables, and Charts
  • Should be presented in the original manuscript, containing a maximum of five elements, duly identified.

  • Use the tabulation standard from IBGE as indicated in the Author Guidelines. Tables and charts must be editable.

  • For tables and charts, please provide the title above. Source: indicate authorship and/or third-party data.

Reference Citation

  • It is mandatory to cite at least one article from the Cadernos ESP journal. References should be numbered consecutively according to the order they are first mentioned in the text. Identify references in the text by superscript Arabic numbers before the necessary punctuation, without author and year identification, and without parentheses. For sequential citations, separate the numbers with a dash (e.g., 1-3); for interspersed citations, use a comma (e.g., 1,3,5). For direct quotes, add the page number (e.g., 4:54).

Abbreviations and Symbols

  • Avoid using abbreviations in the title and abstract. The full terms corresponding to the abbreviations should be presented before their first use in the text, except for standardized units of measurement.

Ethical Aspects

  • In research involving human subjects, authors must clarify that they comply with Resolution 466/12 of the National Health Council (CNS). The approval document from the Research Ethics Committee (CEP) must be submitted as a digitized document during the Manuscript Transfer (Stage 2 of the article submission).


  • This section should be brief and mention people, grants, projects, and support received from funding organizations. The names of funding organizations should be written in full. This section is optional.


  • Only the citations present in the text should be presented, referenced, and organized according to Vancouver style. Use font size 11 and number each line.

  • For further clarification, consult: Vancouver (in Portuguese) or ICMJE (in English).


Manuscripts that do not adhere to the established guidelines, that lack an OrcID, that have incomplete author registrations, that do not include the signed Declaration of Responsibility and Copyright, and that do not present a copy of the Ethics Committee Approval Report, when necessary, will be automatically filed or canceled.