


Heart Defects Congenital, Health Education, Interdisciplinary Placement, Teaching Materials


To build a serial album about congenital heart diseases as an instrument for Health Education. The construction took place in two stages: Integrative review on the topic and elaboration of a serial album based on the data obtained and the researcher's experience. The study followed Resolution 466/12, is approved by the ethics committee with opinion number 2931.261. The album consists of 10 illustrations, which are exposed to the participants, and 10 corresponding script sheets, which are aimed at the professional. Consisting of the following pathologies: Interventricular Communication (IVC), Interatrial Communication (CIA), Arterial Canal Persistence (PCA), Transposition of the Great Arteries (TGA), Tetralogy of Fallot (T4F), Aortic Stenosis (AS), Pulmonary Atresia (AP), Atrioventricular Septal Defect (DSAV). The development of the serial album was intended to provide the multidisciplinary team with educational material that enables the family to understand their child's congenital heart disease and clarify the doubts of parents and family members regarding the child's treatment and follow-up by the specialized service, minimizing stress and encouraging empowerment and confidence in the care.


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How to Cite

Rodrigues G, da Silva Soares T, Braga Batista A, Marques Pinheiro JA, de Oliveira Júnior PV, Fernandes Mendes C. CONGENITAL CARDIOPATHIES: CONSTRUCTION OF SERIAL ALBUM. Cadernos ESP [Internet]. 2022 Jun. 13 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];16(2):10-8. Available from:
Received 2021-06-19
Accepted 2021-12-02
Published 2022-06-13

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