


Higher Education, Curriculum, Physical therapy


This study aimed to analyze how the National Curriculum Guidelines are contemplated in the Pedagogical Projects of Physiotherapy Undergraduate Courses (PPC) in public universities in the state of São Paulo, as well as the perception of their coordinators regarding the teaching-learning strategies used. This is a qualitative, interpretive-explanatory research, through documental research of five PPCs and semi-structured interviews with course coordinators. The analyzes - documental of the PPC and thematic content of the interviews - were carried out in two axes: Curriculum and Professional Profile. The results showed that three curricula still reflected conservative concepts, organized by fragmented disciplines, didactic activities and traditional teaching-learning methodologies, not articulating with the graduate and professional profiles; however, two PPCs have built strategies to implement curriculum reformulation. The coordinator’s reports contributed to the analysis that pointed to the need for updates to advance professional training in Physiotherapy.


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How to Cite

Sasaki K, Teixeira Machado ML, Guerra Aquilante A. PHYSIOTHERAPY: ANALYSIS OF PUBLIC COURSE PEDAGOGICAL PROJECTS. Cadernos ESP [Internet]. 2022 Sep. 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];16(3):33-41. Available from:
Received 2022-03-18
Accepted 2022-05-13
Published 2022-09-30