


Patient safety, Emergency Response Services, Organizational culture


To analyze the Patient Safety Culture in nine Emergency Care Units (UPAs) managed by the Institute of Health and Hospital Management in the year 2023. This is a descriptive, cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach. The instrument used was a questionnaire adapted from the Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture (HSOPSC) instrument. Its structure is divided into 12 dimensions. Regarding completion, a total of 77% responses were obtained from all employees. Thus, “Organizational learning/continuous improvement” stood out with the greatest potential, in which the professionals’ responses obtained an average of 87.44%, followed by “Expectations and actions of the management/supervision of the unit/service that favor safety (85,19%) and “Unit/service teamwork” (78,02%). Therefore, it is concluded that the HSOPSC technological instrument gained responses from employees along the path it took, achieving results to reinforce the organization's safety culture, bringing positive impacts on the life of society.


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Author Biographies

Moniky Keuly Marcelo Rocha, Instituto de Saúde e Gestão Hospitalar, Fortaleza/CE - Brasil.

Master in Quality Management in Health Services from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). Quality and Patient Safety Analyst at the Institute of Health and Hospital Management (ISGH).

Anna Karuza Nogueira Feitosa, Instituto de Saúde e Gestão Hospitalar, Fortaleza/CE - Brasil.

Specialist in auditing health services by Faveni. Quality and Patient Safety Analyst at the Institute of Health and Hospital Management (ISGH).

Natália Paes Belo, Instituto de Saúde e Gestão Hospitalar, Fortaleza/CE - Brasil.

Specialist in Health Quality Management and Hospital Accreditation by Facuminas. Quality and Patient Safety Analyst at the Institute of Health and Hospital Management (ISGH).

Jamille Soares Moreira Alves, Instituto de Saúde e Gestão Hospitalar, Fortaleza/CE - Brasil.

Master in Physiological Sciences from the State University of Ceará (UECE). MBA in Economics and Assessment and Health Technology - FECS/HAOC. Technical Research Advisor at the Institute of Health and Hospital Management. Neonatal ICU Physiotherapist MEAC/EBSERH.

Camila Peixoto de Lima Freire, Instituto de Saúde e Gestão Hospitalar, Fortaleza/CE - Brasil.

Specialist in Hospital Accreditation. Quality and safety manager at the Institute of Health and Hospital Management.

Cleide Maria Carneiro da Ibiapaba, Instituto de Saúde e Gestão Hospitalar, Fortaleza/CE - Brasil.

Quality and safety manager for emergency care units


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How to Cite

Paiva J de SP, Rocha MKM, Feitosa AKN, Belo NP, Alves JSM, Freire CP de L, Ibiapaba CMC da. PATIENT SAFETY: EVALUATION IN EMERGENCY CARE UNITS . Cadernos ESP [Internet]. 2024 Sep. 13 [cited 2024 Sep. 27];18(1):e1863. Available from:
Received 2024-01-26
Accepted 2024-04-04
Published 2024-09-13

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