Ambulatory Care, Ambulatory Surgical Procedures, Primary Health CareAbstract
To reflect on the proposal to implement an Outpatient Clinic for Small Procedures (OCSP) in Primary Health Care Units (PHCU) in Fortaleza for in-service training of physicians in the Post-Graduate Lato Sensu Course in Primary Health Care. Descriptive and theoretical reflective essay divided into two methodological phases. The first consisted of a brief review of the literature on the subject in order to enable a theoretical discussion on the object of reflection. The second, in the critical-reflective description of a proposal to enable the implementation of clinical and surgical OCSP in PHCU. Literature reveals several experiences about OCSP in PHCU, making possible, in theoretical terms, the proposal of implantation and implementation of this clinic. The implementation of clinical and surgical OCSP for in-service training of in-service physicians will contribute to achieving the objectives of the aforementioned course.
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Accepted 2022-02-25
Published 2022-09-30